RFtp PRO Support
What Is ...
"What is" glossary for [R]FTP and networking terminology.
How Do I ...
"How to" instructions for the most common operations.
FAQ (including Version 3 licenses)
The most frequently asked questions (and answers!).
Tips and Tidbits
Advanced Usage
Want to be an RFtp PRO expert? Want to amaze your friends? Or do you just want to find out about some of the more advanced stuff (e.g., "How do I actually use this %*^#& command line interface")?
Contact Us
Can't make something work? Think you found a bug? Can't find it in the "How Do I ...", "What Is ...", "FAQ", or "Tips" sections? Or even on the "Advanced Usage" page? Send e-mail to support. Naturally, if you include relevant info, such as a description of your problem, how to reproduce it, and a copy of your Log, it will help in getting you a speedy reply!
Software Version Updates
The policy for RFtp PRO updates is simple: upgrades within a major version are free! This means that if you purchase version 3.x, all releases until (but not including) version 4 will be available to you free of charge.
New releases come out approximately every 6 weeks to 3 months. They are available for download over in Updates. Note that these are only for licensed users of RFtp PRO (make sure to have your license ID ready). Finally, a corresponding release will usually be posted in the TRIAL area at the same time.
Software Release Change Summary
RFtp PRO 3.5
- Enhanced Windows 7 support and integration
- Adjustments to display of cryptographic Verify results
- The usual accross-the-board performance increases
- Added support for ASLR
- Cosmetic tweaks and adjustments
RFtp PRO 3.4
- Shell extension fully supported on Windows 32 and 64 -bit editions!
- Windows 7 recognized and supported
- Greatly enhanced parallelism in Hash sum computation/verification and intelligent progress display
- Adjustments to interpretation, display, and saving of localized dates and times
RFtp PRO 3.3
- Greatly increased speed of Hash sums computation and verification
- Performance is up and memory is down when opening local folders
- Remote Properties sheet allows direct renaming (if the server allows renaming)
- Installation no longer requires admin privileges - even on Vista!
RFtp PRO 3.2c
- Introduced "intelligent" Hash sums sorting
- Improved fast scaling of progress indicator during Hash sums verification
- Adjusted "empty" Log file detection
- Numerous cosmetic/consistency tweaks to Log messages
RFtp PRO 3.2b
- Large numbers of Hash sums now sorted much faster (e.g., when checking for duplicate files across all partitions)
- Errors outside of FTP protocol (e.g., local folder protected) now more visible
- Now "DPI Aware" on Vista
RFtp PRO 3.2a
- Vista support now "official" (from Preliminary)
- Adjustments to tree traversal in recursive delete operations
- Translucency effect extended to Hash dialog started as Shell extension
RFtp PRO 3.2
- Expand hashing to include MD5, SHA1, SHA2 (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512), and Whirlpool
- Automatic hash duplicate detection/highlighting (activated by sorting on hash column)
- Add "Vista-like" translucency when application is inactive
- "Unlimited" number files and directories may be specified for hashing
- Fix sometimes-incorrect handling of download links in Shell extension
- Still Preliminary Vista support
RFtp PRO 3.1a
- Adress Z-ordering issues when computing MD5 sums from Shell context menus
- Fix occasional problems with displaying local file info and illegal (pre-1970) dates
- Preliminary Vista support
- Minor cosmetic changes to Details views
RFtp PRO 3.1
- New Shell extension with better Shell integration - exposes key RFtp PRO functions directly from Shell views!
- New "XP-style" context menus
- Larger and higher bit-depth ("3D-look") toolbar icons
- MD5 sums text files now [optionally] written with "/" path separator
- MD5 views now sortable - great for comparing file trees!
- Removed "watermark flicker"
RFtp PRO 3.0c
- Fixed problem with remembered proxy type
- Revised handling of an unusual shutdown case
RFtp PRO 3.0b
- Corrections to handling of chmod requests from "new" Properties dialog
RFtp PRO 3.0a
- Corrections to "new" dropped file handling in Remote pane and on RFtp Shortcuts
- Fixed "new" management of Host restart directories
- Relaxed updating restrictions for TRIAL releases